20 March 2013

Learn more about the ten locations where RainGain solutions will be implemented

by Rosa Vicari / École des Ponts ParisTech

Across North Western Europe water managers have developed different practices and solutions to react to critical rainfall and flood risk; some concentrate on infrastructural investments to prevent flooding, while others tend to focus on early warning and emergency management. To exchange strategies and for a better insight of the present strengths and weaknesses, a comparison between different locations is relevant.

The following factsheets depict the ten pilot locations where RainGain will implement new systems of rainfall estimation and forecasting, together with new methodologies to predict flooding in real time. For each site, a “Presentation sheet” and a “Technical sheet” have been produced. The first one contains a general description of the pilot location, its environmental settings, as well as local urban pluvial flood risk problems with references to historical floods and their impact, and an overview of flood mitigation solutions adopted. The second one describes some technical aspects:  existing monitoring system, spatial data available and specifications on the adopted urban pluvial model.