5 May 2014

Review document « Methods and experiences in radar based rainfall estimation » is now online

by École des Ponts ParisTech

A document concerning the second work package of the RainGain project has been published on the website. This review document, edited by KU Leuven, is one of the outcomes of the International RainGain workshop of April 16 2012 in Leuven on “Fine scale rainfall estimation”. The document especially focuses on the use of fine-scale rainfall data for urban hydrological applications.

One of the goals of Work Package 2 is to obtain fine scale (both in temporal and spatial resolution) radar based rainfall estimates. Fine scale observations are indeed relevant for the prevision of rainfall and flooding in urban environment.

Another goal of the project is to set up an interface between the demands of the flood modellers and forecasters and the possibilities of the radar meteorologists to deliver rainfall estimates with this spatial and temporal resolution. This document aims to bridge the gap between the expertise fields of radar meteorology and urban hydrology, drainage and flood management and control. The different steps in the radar chain are also discussed, since it is important for urban hydrologists to know how radar rainfall measurements are obtained.

This document will not stay frozen but will be a lively document that will be extended with practical examples from the RainGain project outcomes as we go along. Everybody is welcome to send comments and/or suggestions (examples of good practical, important additional references, …) for inclusion in future versions of the document. Towards the end of the RainGain project, more concrete outcomes and experiences from the different pilot cases of the project will be added.

Click here to download the review document « Methods and experiences in radar based rainfall estimation »

For further information and contributions to the review document: Patrick.Willems@bwk.kuleuven.be