19 Mayo 2015

Take part to the RainGain photo/video contest

by Rosa Vicari / École des Ponts ParisTech

Do you see the rain falling in your city? Do you hear the tunders outside your houses and and the sound of rain drops pounding angainst your windows? Do you realise that during an intense storm there are millions of cubic meters of water that fall in your city? Did you ever ask yourself where all this water goes? Last generation X-band radars can accurately measure rainfall and provide important insights to follow the paths of water runoff.  Two of these new radars have been installed in Paris and Rotterdam and two other radars have been upgraded in London and Leuven with the aim of developing the best strategy to manage storm water and reduce flood risk. We invite you to become narrators of the RainGain story and take part to the photo/video contest.

How does it work?

1) Take a photo or a video related to one or more of the following key-words: rainfall, sewer system, drops, weather, extreme, city, run-off, floods, overflow;

2) Post it on the facebook event page "RainGain Radar Inauguration";

3) There are three IPad Air 2 to win: one for the photo/video that gets more likes; one for the most funny proposal; one for the proposal that better matches one of the goals of the RainGain project.

Deadline: 9th of June at 2pm (Paris time)

The winners will be announced during the inauguration of the radar at École des Ponts ParisTech on 9th of June.

Photos: Thinkstock