Results of rainfall data acquisition and prediction

Throughout the RainGain project, a number of methods were tested and new, innovative ones developed for radar‑based fine-scale rainfall estimation. These include methods for rainfall estimation from the raw radar signal, methods for optimal merging and integration of radar and rain gauge data, and potentially also disdrometer data, as well as methods for spatial and temporal downscaling. Data from various types of C-band and X-band radars were considered. These ranged from the coarser-resolution national C-band radar data to finer-resolution, local X-band radar data at the RainGain pilot sites, considering both single and dual polarization radars, low-cost / low-energy / portable X-band radars, and more advanced X-band radars. For the UK, The UK MetOffice obtained fine-resolution rainfall data directly from their C-band radars after changing the scanning strategy.